
Celebrating ShippingEasy’s FIRST Birthday with a Chance to WIN $100!

Note: At this time, submissions for this competition are now closed.  Thanks for sharing your stories and helping us celebrate Jack’s Birthday! A BIG THANKS to all our customers for […]

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What a year it’s been. Though our engineers are clearly rock stars, we owe a huge thank you to all of our customers that provided suggestions, ideas and feedback every step […]


Pick Lists! And More ways to ship

Good Morning, Overnight we added even more choices!  We appreciate your feedback and examples. PICK LISTS: You can now print a pick list from the Orders page – and immediately […]


It’s here! Quick ship from ORDERS + ultimate address validation & more

You might recall the survey results we shared in January on what was most important to our customers. In summary: Here are the top four areas where ShippingEasy users wanted […]

Packing slips: OVERHAULED!

We solicited and received comprehensive feedback on the evolution of our Packing Slips. We learned that our customers use these in very different ways – which means more flexibility and […]

New in February: dashboard, faster batches, better messaging

A few exciting things to share – including our long awaited Dashboard and FASTER BATCHES (shaved the time in half so far in 2014). We continue to monitor our feature […]

More Bulk Actions! + Things You Need to Know

I’d like to share a few features of our shipping management software that we released overnight – but more importantly, mention features we already have that you might not be […]


Reminder: USPS annual price change was effective Jan 26th

We have received a few calls and emails from customers regarding the USPS Price Change that took place on Sunday. We thought it might be useful if we recapped some […]

ShippingEasy provides easy shipping for users.

ShippingEasy provides easy shipping for users.

Our testimonials give an insight into how shipping software can provide you with a solution fit for your shipping needs. “ShippingEasy has allowed us to enjoy our business again! When […]


Etsy integration and lots of new stuff to kick off 2014!

Happy New Year to all of our customers. We hope you had an incredibly prosperous holiday season. Our engineering team shortened their break to ensure a great kick off to […]