What a year it’s been. Though our engineers are clearly rock stars, we owe a huge thank you to all of our customers that provided suggestions, ideas and feedback every step of the way.
- Order details rollover
- Combine Orders
- Flag orders- categories
- Extend # categories and colors available
- Notes on Orders
- Search multiple orders in a pop up box
- Print Packing slips from Orders page
- Add column for PO, Residential, Commercial, Military, Territory
- Show 50 orders, 100 orders
- Sort by Order #
- QUICK Ship! from Orders page
- US Territories – add the ability to ship there
- Batches allowing varying weight
- Batch: allow Edit on ShipFrom address
- Batch: enable 100 order batches
- Cache USPS First Class rates
- Address recommendations
- Set default Ship From address
- Order #s on labels
- Custom packages: add to weight
- Custom packages: merge into Package drop down on RTS (Ready to Ship page)
- Saved Selections
- Stealth postage on Large Flat
- Weight rounding
- Retrieve Order # from RTS (1 by 1 shipping)
- Request USPS Pick up
- Signature confirmation on Express Mail shipments (don’t waive it)
- 9 digit zip code (add 4)
- Ship from: different zip code (eg mail from Post Office)
- FedEx residential address flag removal (add a toggle)
- Set default return shipping address
- If a shipment can’t get a rate in a batch, flag it
- Ship date to trigger emails if date advance is selected vs. ‘Print’ button
- Parallel rate quoting
- Override Address Flag – UPS/FedEx
- Ability to upload CSV
- CSV field mapping
- CSV: Delete/Edit Mapping
- CSV: save uploads
- CSV: speed improvement for large files
- CSV: make state and zip codes required fields
- CSV: don’t make country and date mandatory fields on CSV
Manual Orders
- Address validation
- Paste & Parse an address
- Ability to filter to Manual Orders
- Make it a store type
- Create & Ship now bypassing Orders page
- Extend weight boxes; allow for longer Order #
- Smarty Streets API
- Add to weight – custom packaging
- Email notifications – ability to turn off
- Auto-refill postage balance
- International shipments
- Insurance defaults & preferences
- Hardware: printers & scales
- Customer addresses
- Add the ability to include insurance (v2 launched without it!)
- Add insurance to a batch
- Insurance settings
- Shipsurance for FedEx/UPS; remove $100 Cap
- Quick print! directly to your printer
- Print labels in preferred order
- Batch print retained in a queue
- 3d cart
- Amazon
- eBay
- etsy
- FedEx
- Jane
- Magento
- Volusion
Extra stuff to make the app awesome
- Reporting
- Dashboard
- USB Scale integration
- Notifications at top of app
- Pick Lists
- Packing Slips v2 – entirely based on customer feedback
- Volusion: let customer pick which order status to download
- Bulk actions: Shipment History (cancel, duplicate and refund labels in bulk)
- Batch ID: add column to Shipment History
- Increase batch history hold on Ready to Print from 24hrs to 72 hrs
- FedEx Duties
- + ++++++++++ more
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Jack Ship
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