Why care about shipping analytics?
Shipping analytics are unique due to the visibility across orders from ALL of your selling channels (if you use shipping software with that capability). It’s typically the most holistic view available – in many cases more powerful than your accounting system.
Shipping platform analytics can provide valuable insights into many aspects of customer behavior and the performance of your shipping process. We’ll cover this in greater detail in the “Systems and Services” section, but here we provide some highlights.
Analytics effect on your business environments
Customer facing selling environment:
- Incorporate data from shipping platform into sales reports
Shipping Environment and analytics
- Analyze data and generate periodic or custom reports on:
- Demand for SKUs/products across all selling platforms
- Unshipped orders and SKUs
- Customers’ items or order value by geography/time period
- Shipping costs and on-time performance by carrier, service level, fulfillment location, etc.
- Demand trends (to improve replenishment planning across the supply chain)
- Performance by store/user/fulfillment location
- Customer behavior across multiple stores/channels (to facilitate Targeting promotions; see also the “Customer Management” section)
- For multiple store situations, a shipping platform’s ability to analyze data across all stores is especially powerful
Shipping analytics provide quick, valuable insights on business performance, irrespective of the number of channels you sell on. Look for a shipping solution with comprehensive reporting capabilities providing easy access to the reports you need to make business decisions.
Related Articles & Resources:
- Shipping Software: Analytics & Reporting
- eCommerce Shipping Capabilities
- Multiple Store Shipping
- International Shipping
- Expedited Delivery Options
- Shipping Pricing Options
- Customer Shipping Preferences
- Picking and Packing Orders
- Carrier Selection
- Fulfillment
- Shipping Returns
This article is from The Definitive Guide to eCommerce Shipping
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