Learn how shipping automation can save you time with ShippingEasy!

Tips and Tricks for Automated Shipping Success

What exactly does automated shipping mean? It’s a phrase frequently used in the eCommerce space, but what is it? Automating certain tasks like assigning orders to a certain user on […]

A phone and mouse sit on either side of a computer to represent online shopping and retail.

Channel Surfing: Adapting Your Business for the Modern Shopper 

The phrase “times are changing” might be cliché. But, this phrase does ring true for the ecommerce space. While things seem to be on the rebound, the economic climate is […]

A shipping pickup location set of lockers with several packages sitting in front of it

Create Great Customer Experiences with UPS Access Point® Locations  

Between work and errands, your customers may be gone for several hours throughout the day. The bad news is that their packages could be delivered and left unattended during this […]

A woman sits in front of a large computer screen with an awning by a stack of boxes on one side of the screen while a calendar and clock sit on the other side.

How to Prepare for Last-Minute Holiday Shoppers

Preparing for last-minute shoppers can be tricky because of shipping deadlines, return windows, and having to plan your shipping budget. However, we’re giving you the gift of guidance this holiday […]

Get the answers to all of your holiday shipping questions in Shipping Unboxed: FAQs about Holiday Shipping!

Shipping Unboxed: FAQs about Holiday Shipping

Welcome back to another edition of Shipping Unboxed! It’s officially time to get into the holiday spirit, so we’re here to unwrap all of your holiday shipping-themed questions. From holiday […]

Learn how to ship baked goods with USPS and ShippingEasy!

How to Ship Baked Goods

If you could choose any of your favorite, homemade desserts to ship to your customers or friends/family, what would it be? A pie? Cookies? Brownies? Whether you’ve been wanting to […]

ShippingEasy 2019 Holiday Support Hours

2023 ShippingEasy Support Holiday Hours

‘Twas the holiday season, so there were many orders to export. Creatures might not be stirring, but you can count on our Support.  What we’re trying to say is that […]

A yellow shipping box is open with a white and green present inside and a red arrow wrapped around to represent returns.

Ecommerce Holiday Returns: What Customers Want

Gift-giving and gift-returning go hand-in-hand. Siblings might accidentally buy their parents the same gift. A piece of clothing might not fit the way your customer wants it to. There could’ve […]

A green background with illustrated images of a bike, shirt, gift, computer, and sneakers to represent the top holiday products.

How to Ship 2023’s Top Holiday Products

It seems like we blinked, and it’s already time for the holiday season. Customers will start flocking to your site, especially if your business sells one of the top holiday […]

A computer screen with an marketplace to present online marketplaces sits on top of the globe.

Shipping Unboxed: FAQs about Online Marketplaces

In this edition of Shipping Unboxed, we’ll demystify the world of online marketplaces. Our recent study with Retail Economics projects that online marketplace sales will reach over $253 billion globally, […]

A stack of shipping boxes sits in front of a blue and green map of the world.

Planning for the Holiday Shipping Season

The 2023 holiday shipping season is almost here (it’s crazy to us, too). Our recent study in partnership with Retail Economics shows that 44% of US customers are still concerned […]