Shipping Process Flowcharts Overview

The way you fulfill orders and ultimately ship them out is dependent on how much product volume you have, how many fulfillment locations you have, and whether or not you use a shipping platform that can consolidate order information from everywhere you sell. Here we have various shipping process flow charts that go over different shipping scenarios.

Basic Shipping Process – No Shipping Platform: for eCommerce sellers who have a straightforward shipping process with low order volume and without the added use of shipping software.

Basic Shipping Process – With Shipping Platform: for eCommerce sellers that need a more robust shipping process due to selling on multiple channels and anticipating growth in order volume.

Advanced Shipping Process – With Detailed Product Information: for eCommerce sellers that have accurate product weight and possibly item dimensions available from their selling platform so they don’t need to calculate those measurements on a one by one, per-order basis in the shipping platform.

Advanced Shipping Process – No Product Information: for online sellers that do not have weights and dimensions available from their selling platform and therefore need to calculate those measurements on a per order basis within the shipping platform.

Daily Deal Shipping Process: Daily deal sellers have a unique shipping process due to high volume, peak order fulfillment of very similar items and the need to process quickly and efficiently.

Monthly Subscription Shipping Process: Monthly subscription sellers have a simpler process because of repeat orders.

Shipping Returns Process: Returns are one of the least enjoyable aspects of eCommerce, having a solid return flow chart to follow can really smooth out and optimize the process.

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