IMPORTANT: a change in ShippingEasy rate provider that requires ACTION

By Jack Ship
Aug 6, 2014

We are making an important change in rate providers that will require an action on your part.  Previously, we have partnered with both Endicia and Express 1 to offer you the lowest rates on both USPS First Class (Endicia) and Expedited (Express 1) postage.  We are now able to offer these same low rates across all services via Endicia.  The rates before and after will be identical — the same discounts apply under this new model.

You may recall receiving a similar email from us in May. Shortly after hitting send, we extended our relationship with Express 1 through August which delayed any required action.

August is here! So we are now consolidating all USPS Postage under a single provider, Endicia, simplifying things for our customers – with no change to rates whatsoever.

What do I need to do?

You will need to activate an Endicia Expedited Account (EEA), which you will be prompted to do the next time you visit the ShippingEasy app, to replace Express 1 before midnight CST on Friday, August 8th. This will ensure there is no interruption to the expedited rates available via ShippingEasy.
Upon activation of this new Endicia Expedited Account (EEA), your Express 1 account will be closed automatically and a refund of any remaining postage balance made. If you want to deplete your Express 1 postage balance before making the change, please do not activate the EEA until that has occurred. In addition, we recommend that you disable the Auto-refill feature for Express 1 today to avoid investing more in this account.

Why is ShippingEasy making this change?

To simplify and consolidate all USPS postage under a single provider. Until today, you had to maintain relationships with two providers in order to access the best rates for all USPS package types. Going forward, all of your postage purchases, refunds and USPS Scan forms will be with a single provider: Endicia.

Will my rates change as a result?

Absolutely not. The rates will be identical going forward.

Do I benefit from this change?

Yes, in short:

  • Simpler: though you will still have two postage balances (one for First Class and one for Expedited), you will have one single relationship with Endicia.
  • Admin Interface: Endicia offers customers a login and administrative interface. You have greater access to your account details and history without picking up the phone. Or do simple things like change your credit card or update an expiry date online 24/7.

What happens to any remaining postage left in my Express 1 account?

Express 1 will refund any remaining postage balance directly to the credit card they have on file within seven days of opening your new EEA. If you have questions or need to make a change to the credit card details they have on file, please call Express 1 directly at: 1 (800) 399-3971.

How will I know the Express 1 refund amount?

Upon activating the new EEA, your Express 1 account will automatically be closed and the refund due will be calculated. This amount will be listed in your Settings>>Shipping Rate Providers.

What if I have more questions?

Please contact [email protected] anytime so we can assist.
We look forward to a much simpler rate structure going forward! Changes like this are never fun and are not made lightly. We are confident this will be much better for our customers once we step across. Thank you for your patience as we get to the other side.
Warm Regards,

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Jack Ship

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