What exactly does automated shipping mean? It’s a phrase frequently used in the eCommerce space, but what is it? Automating certain tasks like assigning orders to a certain user on […]
Welcome to our United States Postal Service Updates blog, your compass through the dynamic postal landscape. This is where we unveil the most recent news and rate adjustments from the […]
The COVID-19 pandemic and shortage of cleaning supplies on store shelves have many people searching for how to ship hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes through USPS®, FedEx®, and UPS®. Since […]
As of July 9, 2023, Retail Ground, Parcel Select, and domestic First-Class Package Service will be combined into USPS Ground Advantage™. Visit our blog for more information! As has been […]
The rates in this blog post are the 2022 USPS rates. For the current 2023 USPS rates, visit our USPS 2023 Shipping Rate Changes: Flat Rate, Priority, First Class, w/Tables […]
The 2022 FedEx and UPS shipping rate changes have been announced. To get prepared for the upcoming changes in the holiday season and new year, check out all of the […]
Being a business owner means having to know how late gifts can be shipped and still be received on time. If you’re looking for USPS holiday shipping deadlines, check them […]
The holiday season represents a significant opportunity for smaller businesses. It’s a chance to prove how well you can compete against bigger players in the market without letting yourself get […]
As of July 9th, 2023, USPS launched a new service called USPS Ground Advantage that combined Parcel Select Ground, First Class Package Service, and Retail Ground. The new service creates […]
Splitting orders for an e-commerce store can be a smart shipping strategy. It’s also something that is a crucial element of a robust shipping platform. ShippingEasy recently revamped our customers’ […]
If you sell musical supplies and/or instruments on a marketplace like Reverb, Amazon, or eBay, one of your biggest challenges is figuring out the best way to ship them. The […]