Packing slips: OVERHAULED!

By Jack Ship
Feb 27, 2014

We solicited and received comprehensive feedback on the evolution of our Packing Slips. We learned that our customers use these in very different ways – which means more flexibility and larger spaces for messages in particular.

INTRODUCING PACKING SLIPS 2014 – though we are displaying our 8.5×11 portrait format, all other versions have been updated to reflect the changes below:

  • Larger logos – your brand is important – make it the hero!
  • Bill to/ship to – to better accommodate gifts, both addresses appear to ensure the actual “buyer” is clear to the recipient in the event they are different
  • More room to accommodate more items – for larger orders, more individual items can be listed on a single page
  • More space for messaging:
    • Buyer message – special instructions, gift messaging have all the space they need
    • Your message – plenty of space for you to include information, promotions, return instructions, etc.
  • Options/Settings – though these have been available for a while, a quick reminder on SETTINGS THAT RELATE TO PACKING SLIPS:
    • Make it easier to pick: sort items by SKU, Product Name, Location…even quantity of items in the order
    • Hide shipping method: if you prefer to include tracking number only vs shipping service selected, you can turn this OFF
    • Location: not relevant, you can elect not to include this information on the packing slip
    • Pricing: gifts! prefer not to show pricing, remove the tick from this box


If you need any help with branding, logos or packing slip Settings, please email [email protected] or call/chat us from the app.

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Jack Ship

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