Email Industry Benchmarks

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Below are averages for various email marketing benchmarks. Compare your metrics to these to see how your emails have been ranking compared to others in your industry.

Industry Opens Unsubscribe Clicks
Apparel 24.99% 0.24% 4.19%
Hair & Beauty 25.59% 0.29% 4.9%
(Non-Labeled) Vapes & Smoking Supplies 21.09% 0.23% 2.61%
Outdoor, Sporting Goods & Fitness 32.49% 0.28% 4.45%
Automobiles (Parts & Accessories) 34.18% 0.49% 5.23%
Food (Specialty) 39.69% 0.28% 4.84%
Supplements (Vitamins) 17.7% 0.27% 0.91%
Jewelry 31% 0.29% 4%

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