Account Manager Shares Insights on Logistics Solutions Offered by

By Jack Ship
Jun 2, 2015


Madilynn Bishop – Account Manager,


1.  What’s the number one question/answer you hear every day?
One of the most frequent questions we get is “How can I speed up my shipping process?” The vast majority of our customers are e-commerce sellers who have established themselves in the market place and are looking for ways to cut down on time. Our merchants are always looking for ways to spend less time on shipping to focus on other areas of their business.  Our customers come from diverse backgrounds of shipping solutions, from going directly to the post office to sophisticated solutions, and there is always a tool we can come back with to maximize time and money savings.
2.  What’s the best part of your job?
One of the most exciting things about working at ShippingEasy is how quickly the product changes. We are constantly adapting and innovating to solve the everyday concerns that our merchants bring up to us. Our development team does a release every Tuesday night, so we are constantly introducing new features.  There is always something new and interesting to learn as we introduce new integrations, time saving features, and product enhancements. My favorite part of the day is when a long time customer calls in about a general question and takes the extra 5 minutes to learn about some new features released since their last call.  They are always shocked by the new tools they haven’t started to take advantage of yet. Customers leave the call with more tools to save even more time and money!
3.  What’s the number one solution you provide every day?
The top solution I work on each day is setting up customers on Autoship, an innovation unique to ShippingEasy, which practically takes the manual process out of shipping. It’s completely based on historical patterns within the application. It’s based on the shipping decisions you’ve made within ShippingEasy previously. We have invented an algorithm to make these same decisions with exceptional accuracy so you don’t have to repeat yourself within the application.
4.  What would you like your existing and new customers to know about our products?
We listen to you! Never be afraid to post to our Feature Request forum or give us a call with your thoughts. We are constantly evolving our products and adding in new features to best meet the needs of our customers. One example would be adding in a Quickbooks integration. We want to connect your shipping and accounting processes to make it as seamless as possible!
5.  What’s an interesting fact about you or hobby in your spare time?
This weekend I was certified to go scuba diving, I also went sky diving. On a Friday night, I jumped out of a plane from 13,000 feet and the next day I was 70 feet underwater! Made for quite the weekend.
6.  How long have you been at ShippingEasy and how long have you lived in Austin?
I moved to Austin in July 2014 and started at ShippingEasy in the same month.
8.  What’s your dream job?
In this lifetime, I’d love to work in employee engagement.
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Jack Ship

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