Create USPS Shipping Labels

E-commerce shipping app that tracks orders, prints labels, and saves on postage.

Start your 30-day FREE trial

No credit card required. Cancel any time.

Trusted by more than 50,000 customers across 100+ Integrations

Discounted Rates

Our customers are guaranteed the lowest shipping rates regardless of size. Get Commercial Plus Pricing, exclusive rate discounts, and insurance savings and save up to 46%.

Rate Discounts

  • Huge discounts on USPS shipping services like Priority Mail, Flat Rate, Regional Rate, Express Mail, and International Shipments
  • Commercial Plus Pricing – the lowest prices available (typically reserved for customers shipping >50K per annum)
  • Deep discounts on shipping insurance — a fraction of what you’re used to spending

Exclusive Rates

  • Flat Rate Green offers steep discounts on smaller, heavier packages
  • Exclusive special rate that prices shipments based on box size rather than weight
  • Only available on ShippingEasy — request a rate comparison for immediate feedback