2019 Rate Changes Webinar for USPS
The USPS shipping rate changes have gone into effect, and your customers will have questions. ShippingEasy is here to guide you through the conversations you’ll soon be having with e-commerce sellers. Join us at 1:00 pm CDT on Wednesday, January 30 to get a deep dive into what the rate changes mean to your customers, and how you can guide them to maximizing their shipping.
We’ll help you…
- Discuss and compare changes across all major carriers:
We’ll assess the changes and help you explain what it means to sellers’ businesses. - We’ll help you answer the important questions you’ll be hearing:
How much are the shipping rates increasing across the board and across major carriers? What is the most cost-effective carrier for a given set of shipping parameters?
What are the major changes and how can I adapt for my business? - Evaluate the impact on real-world e-commerce businesses:
We’ve once again analyzed proprietary, anonymous ShippingEasy customer data to calculate the impact of the rate increases for specific shipping situations—and how the impact can be mitigated by looking at alternative carriers and/or services.
Fill out the form on the right to reserve your spot!