Get a free month of ShippingEasy!
We love up-and-coming small business owners and entrepreneurs like you.
As a fan of DBL Jewelry, you get a FREE month of ShippingEasy to make shipping your products easier.
No contract. No obligation.
Just easy shipping software for e-commerce business owners like you!
Best rates. Incredible product. Endless support.
Discounted Shipping Rates
- Huge discounts on USPS shipping services like Priority Mail, Flat Rate, Regional Rate, Express Mail, and International Shipments
- Discounted UPS shipping rates that can save you up to 66% off listed Daily Rates.
- Deep discounts on shipping insurance — a fraction of what you’re used to spending
All Orders - One Place
- ShippingEasy integrates with all major shopping carts, platforms, and marketplaces
- Orders download in real time from your stores
- Filter and create custom views for your orders
- Sort, combine, split, re-combine orders with ease
- Upload CSVs or create one-off labels anytime
Automate Your Shipping
- Automatically map carriers based on your customers’ delivery preferences
- Map specific rules to order management and label printing
- Create rules for weight, delivery preference, package size, and more
- Automatically add insurance to specific shipment types
- Plus, our award-winning support team will help you set it all up