"I LOVE LOVE LOVE Shipping Easy. The Best Shipping & Email Marketing Program ever created all in one! Having been in business for over 20 years I have used many different shipping programs, nothing has ever come close to the abilities of what ShippingEasy can do."

"In the 5 years we've been using ShippingEasy, it has saved us countless hours in creating shipping labels, return labels and tracking packages. We've also begun using their email marketing and have found it easy to use and very functional with the ability to segment customer buying habits."

"I run 2 distinct Shopify stores and my amazon marketplace, all from my single dashboard. We ship many thousands of packages domestically and internationally using UPS, DHL and USPS. I've personally used ShippingEasy every single work day since I signed up 6 years ago!"

"There has been a profound impact to the cost savings within my operations due to the removal of most friction within my shipping label workflow. Eliminating multiple page loads and providing a batched funnel has saved me more than the software and service will ever cost."

"Their Customer Service Department is Second to none, they are the best. Very easy shipping software and tracking my inventory keeping my websites inventory up to date is a must have feature."

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Questions? Contact our sales team at [email protected]. We're available Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM CST.