Sassy Steals Customer Testimonials

Kikikins Designs

“As a new Etsy shop owner, I had been shipping my physical orders through the Post Office with hand-addressed labels.  When I opened my business up to a couple of “group deal” websites, (Jane and Sassy Steals) I was concerned about fulfillment on such large orders.  Enter Shipping Easy!  They explained their services in great detail, walked me through the signup process and provided detailed training on how to use their site.  Their representative even walked me through my first shipping fulfillment.  With the savings they offer , I was able to recoup my first month’s subscription on the first shipment fulfillment!  I highly recommend Shipping Easy.” –Shauna at Kikikins Designs

Darling Dottie

“ShippingEasy has made my shipping just that….EASY!  I am able to process 100’s of shipments in half the time (or less!) than what it was taking me before. The support is great, too, they got me up and running in no time and answer all of my questions. Besides the streamlined process of creating labels, I love that I can easily print return labels and duplicate labels as well as search for previous shipments. Making labels and shipping packages is the most hectic part of ecommerce and flash sales…it’s nice to have a tool that makes it easier to get done in a timely manner!” – Brooke at Darling Dottie